Import. Xtorage. Distribution
Import. Xtorage. Distribution

A home for your
fares and wares

Xpace is not just for you – it’s where your products can call home, even if it’s just for a day. From importing and storing proprietary ingredients for that signature bun, to delivering and disturbing that same bun to 500 locations across Singapore, we provide more than just last mile delivery service.

We have got the entire supply chain with full-fledged solutions including ambient, chiller and freezer storage for up to 10,000 pallets, and island-wide distribution by X-inc’s own fleet of vehicles

Perks and amenities

Pallet Storage and handing
by X-inc (dry/chilled/frozen)

Use of loading
/unloading bays

Distribution Service

Member rates for booking of
meeting rooms / event space
/ demo kitchen